
"good news for..."

One criticism of Malcolm X, and something he also tried to change, was that he was "all talk." That his work focused on preaching and speaking. Words. That's a common criticism that is overused and has much less weight than is supposed. I wrote about it a couple years ago ("only words"?):

And what of Jesus' many words? Looking at the passage quoted yesterday, we see how Jesus saw his own mission: "to preach good news," "to proclaim release." Words. And this is what he did, not physically opening jails or throwing off oppressors, but announcing freedom. Even his healings came, not through physical skill or work, but through the healing word.

One thing I admire in the words of Malcolm X is that they spoke to the people at the bottom. They offered dignity and hope to the most oppressed. He was accepted as one of them (more than any other civil rights leader) and his words spoke to their hearts powerfully.

I hear the folks who put on the conference PAPAfest ("People Against Poverty and Apathy") are inquiring about having it here this year. I'm not sure if it will work because of the large number of people who attend that gathering, and it happens in June, a very busy time for the farm. But it would be fun. And probably good for the community here, letting lots of young people know we're here.

I've started getting a little uncomfortable, though, with such gatherings (and related popular books, and magazines like Geez). Because, while they say good things about giving up affluent lifestyles and helping the poor, the preaching/ministry seems primarily focused on middle-class, white young people. Of course these folks need preaching, too, and it's not a bad message. But it starts to feel more like helping ourselves than helping the poor.

And I wonder what a truly poor or oppressed person would make of such a gathering (if they ever showed up there). Would it make any sense? Would there be anything to offer that person? Would they hear "good news for the poor"?

I'm not sure how well we'll be able to offer a powerful word, proclaim freedom, announce good news, to those who come for retreats here. But I pray we learn to do it like Jesus did.