
a surrender - 5

(Continuing "a surrender," chapter one, "surrender")   

I came to see that the differences between civilian life and military life were very much like the differences between a cruise ship and a navy ship. In a navy ship the inner mechanical workings of the ship are usually visible in all the passageways. There are all kinds of pipes running everywhere and valves exposed; switches and wiring conduits and electrical boxes are all easily accessible. Little effort is made to make things look “nice.” What is important is that things work and are easily repaired if there is a problem. In a cruise ship, most of these things are also present, since they’re required for the ship to operate. But they are covered over with polished panels and drop ceilings to give a more pleasant appearance. So the passengers might not even know those pipes and valves and conduits are there. In a navy ship, it’s easier to understand how things work, just by looking around. Similarly, in the military, it’s easier to understand the social structure and the way society works. The social hierarchy is obvious, stitched onto the uniforms. And no one tries to hide the fact that society is ordered and protected by the threat of force and by violence. That is the whole purpose of the military. Every day the weapons that serve that purpose were all around me. But I soon began to realize that military life wasn’t so different from civilian life in this respect. Behind the routine rules of life like traffic laws and income taxes, there was a person with a gun that made sure those rules of society were obeyed. And the military was a tool of our society. Polite and mutually beneficial diplomacy was what everyone desired, but everyone also realized the polite words carried much more weight when an aircraft carrier was parked off the coast. Threats of force and the use of violence stand behind all our social order. It was just more easy for me to recognize it once I got to the ship.

The department head I worked for was a hard and capable man. He was not liked, he was feared. But no one could deny that he was very intelligent and knowledgeable, and our department achieved superior marks under his leadership. We maintained and operated the ship’s nuclear reactors, so it was serious business. And we had to be ready to operate them under battle conditions. That meant frequent drills and exams that simulated equipment damage and tested our performance under unusual and dangerous situations. There wasn’t much room for failure. So our department head’s ability to train and motivate us to perform at such a high level was very impressive. And perhaps part of what motivated us was that he was not a merciful man.

This became more relevant to me because I continued to be interested in the spiritual life. And I was especially drawn to the life and teachings of Jesus. He seemed more the merciful type. I was trying to be more like him, but I wasn’t sure if his way was suitable for military life, for motivating people to prepare for war, for leading the attack on our enemies. I remember a time when one of the young enlisted men in my division got into trouble. He didn’t find it easy to follow the rules and had gotten into trouble on several occasions. This time it was more serious, but I had tried to protect him and argued for leniency. Afterwards, though, I wasn’t sure I had done the right thing. I had pleaded for mercy, but was mercy the best response in this case, on a military ship, when poor discipline could cost someone their life? Throughout those six months at sea, a feeling of tension grew inside me. I felt pulled in two different directions. Could I follow the example of Jesus and still be a good officer? I wasn’t sure I could.



a surrender - 4

(Continuing "a surrender," chapter one, "surrender"

When I arrived back at the naval base, things moved quickly. I stood in front of another desk and was again ordered to put on my uniform. I respectfully refused again. And this time they did send me to the brig. There was a strip search in a cold, bright room. I was instructed about the way to stand if I was stopped by a guard. And then, carrying a change of clothes, I stopped in front of a wall of bars, there was a loud buzz, the bars opened, and I stepped through. The bars clanged shut behind me.

And then everything seemed to stop. I saw no one but guards, and no one talked to me but a Navy lawyer. I think I’d been in shock since returning to the ship, lost in the churning crowd, continually struggling to catch my breath. Now I was alone. Because I was an officer, I was not put in with the general jail population, but was basically in solitary confinement, only allowed to leave my cell for a short time each day. This was fine with me. I was alone and it was quiet. I could breathe. And there was nothing to do but think.

When I joined the Navy, I couldn’t have imagined it would lead to a jail cell. I had signed up while I was in college, to help pay for my last two years of school. I also liked the idea of going on an adventure, sailing the seas, seeing the world. Ironically, this made my life much quieter and easier, at first. Since the Navy was paying for my school, I didn’t need to get a job in the summer, so I stayed on campus and read and thought. Mostly I thought about the deeper questions of life. What did I believe in? What was my purpose? What was worth giving my life to? I read many books on philosophy and religion and found myself being drawn to the spirituality of monks, sometimes called “contemplative spirituality.” This was new to me. It emphasized a spiritual connection with God that didn’t need words, just the continual connection of love. It was also a connection with God that seemed to allow some people throughout history to challenge those in power (or endure years in prison). This stirred a deep desire in me. By the time I graduated from college and started my adventure with the Navy, I was feeling a hunger for spiritual adventure as well.

I did sail the seas, and see the world. The ship crossed the Atlantic and went to England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, and through the Suez Canal and the Persian Gulf as far as Kuwait. At night I could see oil wells on fire there, still burning since the recent war.

Yet I was learning much more about the world through my experiences inside the ship...



a surrender - 3

(Continuing "a surrender," chapter one, "surrender")

I remember a Navy lawyer sitting me down and showing me some paperwork, which listed the charges against me: absent without leave, missing ship’s movement, and disobeying a lawful order. He informed me those charges carried a maximum sentence of seven years in prison, if I was convicted. The vision of seven years in a military prison was staggering. But I couldn’t feel anything. I quietly signed the papers.

And I remember, soon after that, a conversation with a chaplain. When I had discovered that a few of my belongings, including a television, were still onboard, I’d given them away to someone I knew. Apparently, giving away your possessions is a warning sign of depression or suicidal thoughts. So that’s why a chaplain came to see me. I did my best to reassure him. And, soon after, I found out I would be flying off the ship.

Since my return, the carrier had pulled out of the harbor and was out at sea. So when it was decided that, since I wasn’t being cooperative, I shouldn’t remain onboard, I had to be flown back to shore. It was going to be on a smaller cargo plane. On an aircraft carrier, planes are launched with the help of “catapults.” These are huge, steam-driven pistons under the flight deck that attach to the planes and help them accelerate quickly enough to reach liftoff speed before they reach the end of the runway, the edge of the ship. The catapults basically throw the planes off the ship. I had been on the flight deck during launches before, but I had never been on one of the planes taking off. When I boarded the plane, I was seated facing backward. I was told to lean hard against the seat belts, because the thrust would be intense. There was a roar of engines. A moment of alarming acceleration. And then it suddenly stopped, and we were floating on air.



a surrender - 2

(Continuing "a surrender," chapter one, "surrender")

The young officer hesitated, surprised and a little flustered. This was not a common thing, an officer returning from an unauthorized absence. I wouldn’t have known how to deal with it, if I was on watch. He picked up the phone. I glanced at the marine, but if he had heard me, he showed no sign of it.

After that it was like I entered a surreal dream, a dream, I was sure, that would end with me waking up in a jail cell. I wasn’t allowing myself to feel much of anything. I just reacted mechanically to what came at me. I’d been away from the ship, without leave, for almost five months. So I expected to be arrested immediately. But I wasn’t. There seemed to be some confusion about what to do with me at first. I got the impression that I wasn’t being taken to the ship’s jail, the brig, because I was an officer. Then I was told that I would be temporarily assigned to a desk job somewhere onboard. Probably not in the reactor department, where I had been working, since most everything there was classified. But when I made it clear that I would not wear my uniform, that plan was dropped. I was put in a bunk room in the upper part of the ship, used by officers in the air wing, where I wasn’t likely to see anyone from my old department. This was fine with me. I preferred to avoid anyone who knew what I had done. Part of the reason I didn’t want to put on my officer uniform was that I didn’t think anyone should have to salute me or call me “sir,” especially those people who knew that I didn’t deserve that honor anymore. So I was relieved to be mostly unknown for those first few confusing days.

But my old roommate found out where I was and came to see me. We had not been close friends; we just shared an apartment in town. But he seemed eager to talk to me now. I’d made an effort not to inconvenience him when I left, paying the rest of my half of the rent in advance, and leaving extra money to deal with the things I left in the apartment. He didn’t mention that, though, or want to hear much about what had happened to me in the months that I’d been away. He seemed more interested in letting me know about our department head, who was due to transfer off the ship soon. My roommate excitedly told me our department head would not be taking command of a ship, but would be transferring to a shore command, a less desirable assignment. Apparently my old boss had suggested that my going AWOL had somehow contributed to this. My roommate seemed to think so, and was glad about it. He didn’t much like our department head. Few of us did. I thanked him for coming to see me. But I couldn’t feel much besides the dread of what was going to happen next.

Then I remember waiting outside the office of the executive officer, the XO. I was there because I had refused to wear my uniform. The XO was the ship’s second in command, in charge of all disciplinary actions on the ship. He far outranked me. I was a junior officer, only two years out of training, and I had never talked to him before. When I was called in, I stepped in front of his desk and stood at attention. He told me he was giving me a direct order to put my uniform on, so I could serve in one of the offices while I waited for the legal process to begin. I don’t remember exactly what I said. It was something like, “I can’t do that, sir. It’s not right.” I spoke calmly but my knees felt weak. My face seemed to twitch and tremble and it was all I could do to hold it still. He looked at me for a moment. Then he dismissed me.

Those few simple words I had said would get me in even more trouble, I knew. My punishment would be worse. But wasn’t that what I had come back for?



a surrender

I spent a good amount of time this past winter writing. And I think now it's in good enough shape to share. It's from my experiences over the past thirty years, many of them described here. So this is a true story. Some names have been changed. 


My legs felt unsteady as I approached the massive pier. I hesitated, breathing slowly, as if balancing on the edge of a cliff. Then I took a step. 

And another. Another. My steps were slow, but I felt like I was falling, faster and faster.

The ship that I thought I would never return to loomed beside me as I moved down the pier. And once again I was awed by its incredible size: three football fields long, and a football field wide. It towered over me. It was difficult to imagine the engineering and resources and years of labor that had produced this monstrous marvel of dull gray steel, a floating airport for eighty planes, driven by two nuclear power plants, and able to accommodate five thousand people. No matter what else I felt about it, I had to admit that it was an amazing human accomplishment.

As I reached the steps to the quarterdeck, I suddenly stopped, breathing heavily, gripped by panic. Was this the right thing? Did I really have to do it? The dark, terrifying moment in the monastery garden seemed so far away. So very far away, and long ago. But then the memory of that experience flooded me, washed over me. I took a step up. And another. Then I breathed a prayer and stepped onto the quarterdeck. The officer of the deck looked up, as well as the armed marine standing beside him. I stated my name and rank.

“I’m turning myself in,” I said. “I’ve been AWOL.”



The king is raging
so we must flee with the child
hidden in God's hand

(previous year's haiku here)


for he will hide me

For he will hide me in his shelter
in the day of trouble;
he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
he will lift me high upon a rock.

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living!

Wait for the Lord;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!
(Ps 27)


"hear, that your soul may live"

"If anyone stirs up strife, it is not from me;
whoever stirs up strife with you shall fall because of you.
Behold, I have created the smith who blows the fire of coals
and produces a weapon for its purpose.
I have also created the ravager to destroy;
no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed,
and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD
and their vindication from me, declares the LORD."

"Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;
and he who has no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David."
(Is 54.15-55.3)


for sinéad

I Believe In You (by Bob Dylan, on Slow Train Coming)

They ask me how I feel
And if my love is real
And how I know I'll make it through
And they, they look at me and frown
They'd like to drive me from this town
They don't want me around
Because I believe in you

They show me to the door
They say, "Don't come back no more"
'Cause I don't be like they'd like me to
And I, I walk out on my own
A thousand miles from home
But I don't feel alone
Because I believe in you

I believe in you even through the tears and the laughter
I believe in you even though we be apart
I believe in you even on the morning after
Oh, when the dawn is nearing
Oh, when the night is disappearing
Oh, this feeling is still here in my heart

Don't let me drift too far
Keep me where you are
Where I will always be renewed
And that which you've given me today
Is worth more than I could pay
And no matter what they say
I believe in you

I believe in you when winter turns to summer
I believe in you when white turns to black
I believe in you even though I be outnumbered
Oh, though the earth may shake me
Oh, though my friends forsake me
Oh, even that couldn't make me go back

Don't let me change my heart
Keep me set apart
From all the plans they do pursue
And I, I don't mind the pain
Don't mind the driving rain
I know I will sustain
Because I believe in you


the gravity of love

 We sang this song in church today:

I really like it, and it echos my thoughts from "God pulls." A few of the metaphors, though, don't quite make sense, astronomically. So I worked on a slightly different version:

This is the gravity of love
Just as the earth's held by the sun
You're all around me
You're holding everything

This is our hope in who you are
Just like the warmth of our fiery star
Your love is reaching
You're holding everything