
a better prayer

Yesterday I was praying a psalm that spoke of Moses asking God to have mercy on the people. It gave me pause. I'm not sure my own thoughts and prayers have leaned towards mercy these past few months.

Now I'm pretty sure Moses was often frustrated and angry at things the people did, and probably complained to God often enough. But his inclination towards mercy on several occasions stands out as more inspiring. Much more like Jesus, too. Like in his famous "they know not what they do" line.

I still feel like I want the hard consequences of some decisions here to make it very clear that those choices weren't the best or most loving for everyone involved. That the path that has been chosen is not the path of freedom and peace that Jesus showed us in his life. But I can also see that hoping and praying for mercy is right. Maybe praying that not all the hard consequences have to be borne, that our relationships and our connection here be preserved, and a way forward offered. That it be clear that God is not pleased, but also that God is merciful and still holds us in his love. And that we have a chance to choose differently in the future.