

I was invited to another party Sunday, my second in as many days, a birthday party this time. Again, mostly Latino. When the guest of honor arrived, the dozen or so children lined up with flowers to present to her. One little boy didn't want to. "I want to give it to my mommy!"

With all the happy children at the Akron Catholic Worker house (four houses, actually), it seems like it could be a good place to raise children. A thought I've been turning over in my mind. Presently, the guests there are mostly immigrants, families or single mothers, or fathers with families in Mexico or Peru. I'd feel safe having any of them watch my child.

But I suppose it would be very hard for a child to have their friends move away frequently (as it is really just a transitional place for the guests). Sometimes the families don't move very far, though. And they all go to the Spanish mass at a church downtown, where I'm sure they would still attend if they moved elsewhere in the city.

This article was interesting, too. Just trying to envision future possibilities...