on the road again
[To read through these entries from the road, use the "next page" link near the bottom of each entry to proceed to the next entry. Or note the date of this entry, and use the "journal archive" in the sidebar on the right to view whole months at a time. There are 38 entries for the 2005 pilgrimage.]
After a disorienting 28-hour bus ride to Akron, OH, I began my walk. Fortunately, I only had to walk about a mile before I got to the Catholic Worker house here, where I'm staying for the weekend. Joe May and Peter Yehl welcomed me warmly over lunch. "You are among friends here." I think this will be a good, quiet place to focus myself for the trip. (The time at my parents' place was also restful and very pleasurable; as Heather said, perfect preparation for an adventure.)
Yesterday morning on the bus I read this line, one that has caught my eye before, describing Jesus' experience on the cross:
So also the chief priests, with the scribes and elders, mocked him, saying, "He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him..." (Mt 27.41,43)It echoes Psalm 22.7-8. The cynical challenge to faith.
And the only possible answer to it has to come from God himself. We have to wait and see. "He trusts in God; let God deliver him..."