
in remembrance

I've started putting together a short communion liturgy for our little worship group. We might try to have it as the closing each week. I'd like to start by singing the Shema in Hebrew, followed by a time of silence to consider how we've loved God and one another lately. Then close that by singing this Taize Kyrie (Lord, have mercy):

After reading about Jesus' call for us to "do this in remembrance of me," we could bless the bread and wine with the traditional Hebrew blessings (in English this time):

Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe,
who brings forth bread from the earth

Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe,
Creator of the fruit of the vine
And as a closing prayer, as we finish serving one another, play the psalters' "Agnus Dei"
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace