to be weak
Continuing "God Pulls"...
Following Jesus' example in this way seems like intentionally choosing to be weak. And how can weakness help anyone, or defeat the evil we see around us? God's love pulls us in this direction because our own strength can never provide real hope for the people around us. It is the power of God that saves people, that defeats evil, not our power. If we wish to help others, the best thing we can do for them is help them to see the powerful love of God and to surrender to its pull. We are not the ones worthy of their trust, only God is. And God's power is more clearly seen when it appears working through weak people. As Jesus said to Paul, "My power is made perfect in weakness."
So we should not be ashamed about appearing weak, because our hope is not in our own strength, but God's. And the fate of the world is not in our hands, but the hands of God. The world will not be saved by human strength. And neither will it be owned by the strong. Jesus said "the meek will inherit the earth," that it will be given to them. To the meek, to those who have chosen to be humble and weak. To those who have surrendered to God's pull.