
getting out there

One of the concepts that seemed important when I was out on the road was "getting way out there." In order to experience faith in real need, and also demonstrate that for others, I had to get out far away from the security of home. Usually a week's walk got me far enough out. Before then it seemed like a friend could easily come and rescue me. After that I began to feel seriously vulnerable and in need of God's constant protection and care.

I remembered that this morning, because I think I'm starting to feel that way now. We've begun to make actual physical changes to this place, and we've committed our time and limited money we have available to starting this retreat house, and others have committed their time and resources to help us. Choices have been made that can't be unmade without significant loss. Now if it doesn't work out, it will definitely be seen as a failure, our failure, with serious consequences for us. And there are many big parts that I don't see how they're going to work out, and it scares me when I think of them. We're definitely getting out there now. And every step, every day, we get further out.

I have to say, though, that I've had good experience "way out there" with God.